[ubuntu-studio-devel] One week until xenial final relase "Ardour"

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Sat Apr 16 10:57:02 UTC 2016


I didn't use Ardour for a long time, however, I suspect handling errors
for most, if not everything you described. Let's start with this:

>I tried opening up other projects I recorded. they seem to play ok
>but.... if I add a new track, the volume will be super loud. But if I
>turn it down the volume will be too low to record so I need to adjust
>the sound while I'm recording, delete the track and recorded it again.

Where do you adjust the volume? If the record level is ok and the
output volume is to loud, you need to reduce the output level, not any
input gain. Ardour might provide some "hidden", right click monitor
options, I don't know, anyway, have you ensured that all settings are
set correctly, e.g. regarding software monitoring?


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