[ubuntu-studio-devel] One week until xenial final relase, please help testing

Ross Gammon ubuntu at the-gammons.net
Sat Apr 16 05:06:12 UTC 2016

Hi Wachín,

On 04/16/2016 01:09 AM, Len Ovens wrote:
> On Fri, 15 Apr 2016, Wachín wrote:
>> I wonder if possible install UbuntuStudio 16.04 on another partition
>> along side of UbuntuStudio 15.10 (my default now). This would be the
>> only way I have to be able to test the ISO since I do not have
>> available a computer with good resources, sorry, sorry Great Team : (
> That is the way I do all my testing. I have a 2Tb drive I have 4 20GB
> partitions sdb6,7,8 and 9. Then a swap. The rest of it is my large
> default partition.
> Personally, I would do the partition resize from GParted before
> installing (the normal warnings about backing up your important data
> before doing any of this stuff should be applied here as well). Then
> during install choose "Something else" and choose the unallocated space
> or new partition for /. I would leave the rest set to unused.

Testing a real install, on a real spare partition, or onto a spare USB
disk is the best test of the ISO.

But if you are not successful in setting that up, it is still helpful if
you spin up the Live DVD and let us know whether it is working or not.
That way you don't have to install anything, and we get results from
lots of different hardware.



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