[ubuntu-studio-devel] One week until xenial final relase, please help testing

Kaj Ailomaa zequence at mousike.me
Wed Apr 13 14:16:31 UTC 2016

Just a reminder to everyone that we only have one week until release, so
please help testing the ISO. As always - if you find bugs, please report

You can find the latest ISOs at

ubiquity (the installer) is still missing a few of our updates, but
otherwise, not much will change before release.

There will probably be no specific release candidate until closer to
release, so no need to use http//iso.qa.ubuntu.com to report test
results, unless you really want to. We will however do our smoke testing
and report results there during the one day or so before release.

This is just a short reminder, so no specific instructions here for
those who are new. Let us know if you want to help, and we'll help you
on your way.


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