[ubuntu-studio-devel] Packages up for removal, unless someone wants to maintain them

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Thu Sep 10 08:54:24 UTC 2015

On Thu, 10 Sep 2015 10:28:09 +0200, Filipe Coelho wrote:
>Is this directed towards me?

The questions are directed to everybody maintaining or interested in
Ubuntu Studio.
We had a discussion about Ubuntu Studio considering to become

>I have nothing against linuxsampler, but the fact is that currently
>it's not packaged in debian while years ago it was.
>So someone purposefully removed it from the archives.
>Those are the facts.

The "issue" (that not really is an "issue") with linuxsampler is the
license. It's just that linuxsampler developers add a null and void and
harmless restriction to the GPL. Other developers use the words of the
GPL, but their attitude is against the words of the GPL, e.g. Fons.
Other developers use the words of the GPL, fulfil those words, but
anyway offend the spirit of FLOSS and CoCs, e.g. Paul. I'm not
narrow-minded, I want that the software of Fons (I'm using it), Paul
(I'm quasi not using it, I'm using jack2, but perhaps I'll use it
someday) and a few others is included, but I also want that software
that is closer to the spirit of the Debian/Ubuntu policies is included

>Anyway, regarding packaging Carla, we should not have to wait for 
>linuxsampler to be packaged first.
>It's not a required dependency, you can build just fine without it.

It's not a build time dependency, that is true, but it's intended to
build with linuxsampler.

There's no usable replacement for Linuxsampler and even Linuxsampler
doesn't provide everything that is provided by software for other
platforms. IOW with Linuxsampler Linux audio already is restricted
regarding features, but without it, it's much more restricted.

We call other platforms restricted operating systems, but de facto we
have restrictions too. Btw. this restriction doesn't affect Arch Linux
and likely a few other distros are also not affected by this

Linuxsampler should be included to the Ubuntu Studio packages, it
doesn't matter that narrow-minded maintainers excluded it from Debian.

"Rules" are not something that has to be followed word by word, if the
spirit is ok, rules can become flexible. A lot of coders use the words,
but anyway don't follow the spirit of those words and that is
considered as being ok. This is ok for me too. But again, we should be
flexible regarding the "rules" for Linuxsampler too, in the end this
project simply is more honest than several other projects that are less
honest regarding the LOSS spirit.

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