[ubuntu-studio-devel] New ubuntustudio-controls

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Thu Sep 3 16:52:51 UTC 2015

I keep it short, I can run ubuntustudio-controls(-pkexec) from command linem, but starting by the menu doesn't work. There are a few "deprecated" warnings.

[root at moonstudio weremouse]# ubuntustudio-controls
/usr/sbin/ubuntustudio-controls:98: Warning: The property GtkMisc:ypad is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It will be removed in a future version.
/usr/sbin/ubuntustudio-controls:98: Warning: The property GtkWidget:margin-left is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It will be removed in a future version.
/usr/sbin/ubuntustudio-controls:98: Warning: The property GtkWidget:margin-right is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It will be removed in a future version.
/usr/sbin/ubuntustudio-controls:98: Warning: The property GtkButton:xalign is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It will be removed in a future version.
[root at moonstudio weremouse]#


OT: I suspect that some menus care about the Debian menu or something else, since the the Ubuntu Studio menu doesn't affect e.g. the fbpanel menu (excepted of adding entries to the "System" menu). The Xfce4 appfinder menu is affected, but not in a positive way, for the few apps I've got installed just the name "Graphics" or what ever it was called changed to "Graphic Design" and the icon is an icon that doesn't fit to the icon set I'm using.
/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ubuntustudio-controls.png became the icon for my fbpanel's menu button.

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