[ubuntu-studio-devel] Elementary OS

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Wed Sep 2 20:33:03 UTC 2015

On Wed, 2 Sep 2015, Set Hallström wrote:

> what it is ATM. Also, this thread made me reflect over our logo, which is clearly
> a mashup between the 
> firewire logo and ubuntu logo. Now that firewire is getting obsolete, perhaps it
> could be remodeled? 

Not having ever used firewire stuff, It has always looked like a mix of 
ubuntu and an open reel to me (from tape days).

I have nothing against a new logo, but do feel that unless there is 
something new "under the hood" it is not time for that. However, as you 
said it may take some time to develop so if you have some ideas (or anyone 
else does) bring them forward. On the other side, the logo we have is well 
known and in the same way as ubuntu vanilla has not changed their logo 
even though the desktop has dramatically changed leaves one to wonder if 
that is the best way forward.

Len Ovens

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