[ubuntu-studio-devel] Elementary OS

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Tue Sep 1 13:22:53 UTC 2015

On Tue, 1 Sep 2015, ttoine wrote:

> Ralf, I truly believe that when it will be possible to use a Linux distribution
> without the terminal at all, Linux will become popular. That is why Ubuntu became
> popular at the beginning (you install, it runs, you work, no tweak)
> The success today for Canonical is that with Ubuntu, they provide the same
> environment for devs, tests, servers, cloud, embedded devices, with support and
> regular updates. But that's another story.
> At the opposite of dev and sysadmin use, what we need is something simple, that
> works without having to tune it too much. Just keep in mind that multimedia
> producers are looking for a system that feet their workflow. They already have a
> lot to learn, configure and tweak within their own work area. And they are used
> to GUI: a sound console, a video console, camera buttons, or pots on rack analog
> effects are GUI.
> They don't need (and most of them don't care) to learn how to do something in a
> Terminal... Ask a sound engineer using a Mac or a Win PC if he knows where is
> terminal: he will most likely tell you he doesn't know what is it. The system
> must work and be reliable without having to understand how.

I hesitate to call such a person an "engineer", Technician might be 
better or operator. An engineer was the person in the studio who 
designed/repaired/modified recording equipment. There are still some in 
big studios and they certainly know what a terminal is and use it. They 
would be expected to design/repair/modify code (and they do). I am not 
putting down the person who produces content without being an engineer at 
all. The computer has made it possible for a much wider group of people, 
may of them without much technical knowlage, to make music/video/art. I 
think a person shouldn't have to be an engineer to do music in the same 
way a train driver shouldn't have to be an engineer to drive a train. 
Perhaps that is what you are saying and I agree.

> I agree with you that DE independent applications run faster, are lighter, and
> easy to use in many DE. However, we are not the developers of multimedia
> applications : from the beginning, what we do is selecting the better apps
> available, and make them work together.

I agree.
> And by the way, I totally understand that Pitivi developers, who are relying on
> the Gstreamer framework, are developing their GUI using Gnome tools: this is
> simply logical, we can not fight againts that.
> I am convinced that what our users are waiting for is something simple and
> intuitive to use. And we need also to explain how to install open source based,
> and non open source software like Lightworks, Mixbus, and other great
> applications available on GNU/Linux.

Yes. That is the aim.

Len Ovens

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