[ubuntu-studio-devel] CyberSec For Creative Humans

lukefromdc at hushmail.com lukefromdc at hushmail.com
Fri Oct 30 17:13:18 UTC 2015

About SD cards: That Baltimore Uprising was for me right on the 
line between wiping with random numbers and physical destruction
of the card. Had I seen any police aggression aimed at recovering
anyone's camera, or heard the slightest whiff about warrants that 
card would have been destroyed as soon as the files were encrypted.
Same if I had accidently filmed a felony of any kind.

The random number wipe was to destroy MOST of the content in case
some prosecutor got smart and managed to deal out a no-warning surprise.
The main danger is being captured with the card in a mass arrest, in 
these cases smashing the card in your teeth is the best defense. In 
fact, this is why I only use cameras that shoot onto cards that can 
be easily destroyed.

I've tested wiping the cards and running file recovery, Foremost , photorec,
and other software file recovery won't get anything.  Haredware recovery
from bare flash chips off an SD card is much more expensive. 

About package downloads: When I used public access computers for 
Internet access and only had offline Linux machines, browsers are exactly
how I used to get packages, then copy to a flash drive or even burn to a
CD in those days. This works, but resolving dependencies is a mess. 
More than once this required more than one trip to the library before
everything worked. In this situation, being able to download an ISO
once with everything needed on it is a real time and trouble saver, 
especially for a newcomer. Sometime soon I will download the 15.10
iso on the road so I can test the default kdenlive install with my 
camera's AVCHD clips and see what happens.

I still routinely use browsers to pull packages cross-distro, from different
versions, or when I do not have the bandwidth to update APT's lists.

On 10/30/2015 at 8:56 AM, "Len Ovens" <len at ovenwerks.net> wrote:
>On Thu, 29 Oct 2015, lukefromdc at hushmail.com wrote:
>> At the creation level, the value is in having software that does 
>not require
>> activation.  That rules out paid software like Windows video 
>> (and lightworks) and sound editors. It also rules out Windows.
>> If someone installs US from a new iso on an offline machine, 
>there is
>> no network and nothing can phone home, yet everything works. if 
>> codecs are missing from the ISO, they can be fetched by flash 
>> and again brought in for offline installation. Easy way: install 
>also to a 
>> laptop, pull the packages somewhere else, save them from the APT
>> cache, bring them home. Actually this codec issue is does 
>> things just enough to require someone with some computer skills
>> to set up the machine. This is an issue because of cameras that 
>> to H264 or other patented codecs.
>Any Ubuntu package can be downloaded on a library machine (any OS) 
>from a 
>browser. No password needed. I think so many different people 
>them that no one is watching who or when they are downloaded. It 
>is up to 
>the user to know what packages they want :) I suppose using a 
>rather than wget would stand out to someone reading logs though.
>I am assuming that a DSLR would not be used as being too visible, 
>replacing the code (firmware) may not be possible. Does the codec 
>any kind of watermark right out of the camera? I would also 
>question if an 
>SD card can be made clean as the mapping from virtual to physical 
>changes all the time (from write to write).
>Len Ovens
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