[ubuntu-studio-devel] Krita - Was: PR & Support: Where to fish for contributors?

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Thu Oct 29 14:54:29 UTC 2015

On Thu, 29 Oct 2015 15:15:13 +0100, set wrote:
>As for the right amount of contrasts, choice of colors and taste of
>mustache shape, I'd be glad to answer any question regarding how to
>tune it according to personal taste using krita.

A drawing purposed to be displayed by a MUA already should be optimized
to the lowest common denominator :p.

The bottom of http://ardour.org/ is nearly unreadable on my CRT and the
orange or what ever this colour of the text behind the ** should be on
http://www.bandshed.net/AVLinux.html, is also nearly unreadable on the

On my iPad using the dimmed brightness profile, the bottom of the Ardour
homepage already is good readable, but the orange text of the AV Linux
page depending to environment light still isn't a pleasure to read.
The face of your drawing becomes good visible on the iPad too.

Replication always is an issue, drawings become ugly regarding average
values for magazine printing, audio recordings become muddy when played
on different gear.

Perhaps nearly nobody nowadays still uses CRTs and when they were used
by most users, then a lot of people used much brightness and contrast
optimised to the high brightness. When the monitors aged they were
replaced by new monitors, when too much brightness causes headaches,
pills helped. :D

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