[ubuntu-studio-devel] Krita - Was: PR & Support: Where to fish for contributors?
Ralf Mardorf
ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Thu Oct 29 12:37:20 UTC 2015
On Thu, 29 Oct 2015 12:37:55 +0100, set wrote:
>Here is a picture i've drawn with it. Nothing else used. At it's height
>it had 17 layers with transparencies and filters and such... Not a huge
>piece of any sort, but proof it works well for what is ment.
A note that isn't related to Krita.
This drawing causes the same pain as many websites with a black
background and dark grey fonts cause for me.
I'm using CRTs and environments with bright themes, IOW more or less
white background with more or less black fonts. I reduce the brightness
and contrast of the CRTs. Sure, for drawings there's the need to fix
the colours, brightness, contrast etc., but for averaged usage it's
better for the CRT and for the user to at least reduce the brightness,
so it's nearly impossible for me to recognise the face of your drawing.
The headset and the spiderweb laser coming out of the aerosol can leads
to the face of a Japanese school girl, but she seems to have a beard
and an animal nose.
The contrast seems not to be optimal for old school CRT users, power
saving tablet PC and smart phone users. Btw. on my iPad I've got an app
to switch between two brightness settings, but I don't have this option
for my Ubuntu Wily and the used CRT I'm using right now.
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