[ubuntu-studio-devel] Documentation for 16.04

Set Hallstrom sakrecoer at gmail.com
Tue Oct 20 10:38:01 UTC 2015

On 2015-10-20 12:25, Kaj Ailomaa wrote:

> You can just add a page at the wiki somewhere. It can always be redone
> and renamed so it's all pretty safe.
> Also, makes it easier for people to contribute, all though the wiki
> syntax might be hard for some people. If that is a problem, and many
> would like to help, google docs may be a better place - I don't know.

Cool! The further away from google, the happier robot i am. :) And since
the wiki-tool is there for us why not use it? This said, I have nothing
against copy pasting someones work from a google doc. Formatting
shouldn't be much of a problem. The craving part is to actually type the
content to be formatted. But that is probably just my opinion.

I'm getting started with graphics, simply because i reckon it's the
work-flow i am the most experienced with.

Have a great day y'all!


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