[ubuntu-studio-devel] Documentation for 16.04

Kaj Ailomaa zequence at mousike.me
Tue Oct 20 07:20:55 UTC 2015

On Tue, Oct 20, 2015, at 01:42 AM, Set Hallstrom wrote:
> On 2015-10-19 21:54, Kaj Ailomaa wrote:
> > I'm not really looking for input as much as finding someone who is
> > willing to do some writing.
> I'd be interested in that. My spelling is far optimal, but my
> formulation is decent. So if someone would agree to proof read me, it
> could probably work out...

I'd be happy to, of course. And, I'm sure you have a wealth of input
from this or the user mail list further down the road.

I would put the finished stuff in our user help wiki, from where we can
then copy it to our website once it's finished and add it to our ISO
somehow. There are barebones for a user guide on our help wiki, but you
don't need to use that. It's a bit more extensive - we should just make
sure to have something simple for starters.
I'm thinking we focus less on desktop issues (reference instead to other
user guides, like Xubuntu), and more on the multimedia particular

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