[ubuntu-studio-devel] Package Testing

flocculant at gmx.co.uk flocculant at gmx.co.uk
Sun Oct 11 10:07:43 UTC 2015

Picking up from where elfy left off.

There are currently 49 bugs on the package tracker. Which is a lot - 
makes it hard for people to even think about starting to deal with it.

I'll add the list of what apps testcases are expected to be written for 
to the bottom of the mail.

I don't use Ubuntu Studio so it's hard to know which is a standalone 
application and which are plugins for other applications you seed. So if 
something in the list is used within something else - it doesn't need a 
test itself, but needs testing as part of the other app, can someone 
mark those in the list if they can't be tested alone. I can mark the bug 
then and the list becomes smaller.

So, to use the package tracker - there needs to be a Launchpad Release 
Team - does Studio have one? (This is how rights to edit the tracker are 
set up)

A few questions :

  * What appetite is there amongst you to both write the tests and keep
    them up to date?
  * What do you expect to gain? Is it worth the effort? Someone needs to
    watch the tracker - check reported bugs?

It might be that you're better off as you are - without using the tracker.


Currently listed testcase bugs:

  * Aeolus
  * Agave (Done but not released to tracker)
  * Alacarte
  * Ardour
  * Blender
  * Calfjackhost
  * Darktable
  * DVDStyler
  * FFado Mixer
  * Fontforge
  * Font Manager
  * Foo-Yc20
  * GCM Picker
  * GCM Viewer
  * Gladish
  * Guitarix
  * Hexter
  * Hydrogen
  * Jack Rack
  * Jamin
  * Kdenlive
  * Krita
  * Lady Player
  * Lady System Log
  * Lmms
  * Lv2rack
  * Mudita24
  * Openshot
  * Patchage
  * Phasex
  * PureData
  * Qjackctl
  * Qjadeo
  * qtractor (In Progress)
  * QMidiroute
  * Rakarrack
  * Rapid Photo Downloader
  * Rawtherapee
  * Record My Desktop
  * Scribus (In Progress)
  * SooperLooper
  * Specimen
  * Subtitle Editor
  * SynfigStudio
  * Virtual Keyboard
  * Xine
  * Yoshimi

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