[ubuntu-studio-devel] Desktop Agnostic, Was: Re: Gedit

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Sat Nov 28 20:36:54 UTC 2015

On Sat, 28 Nov 2015, Kaj Ailomaa wrote:

> My thought is we sync with Xubuntu fully to start with, and then find a
> way to drop all the specifics from seeds - instead base on the metas for
> ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu, lubuntu and ubuntu gnome.
> Once we're done with that, and still think we really, absolutely need
> our own desktop, I would base that on something minimal, like
> xubuntu-core, or even lubuntu-core (or, whatever the name is).

Lubuntu, I would stay away from just yet. I hear the QT version of lxde is 
doing very well but it is still a very young project, while LXDE has 
effectively got a stop on development so the work can go into the QT 
version. XFCE is still the most often used used DE for audio just yet... 
at least that is what I get from the comments I hear. I would be quite 
happy using xubuntu as is. The only difference might be in the config 
directory... but it doesn't have to be.

Having more than one workspace is becoming less of an issue with the 
spread of dual monitors (I still have four... and use them all). This does 
not work with laptops of course. But once we have to make any one change 
to the system config, then any other change becomes trivial. (this does 
not include our menu file which is aleady trivial and does not require any 
new directories/session starters etc.

Len Ovens

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