[ubuntu-studio-devel] 16.04 Graphics Workflow

Ross Gammon retail at the-gammons.net
Wed Nov 25 16:17:14 UTC 2015

On 11/24/2015 09:53 PM, set wrote:
> On 2015-11-24 21:29, Len Ovens wrote:
>> Do you wish to try fixing it, or do you want me to? Basically you are
>> changing the . to a - and stop display-im6.q16.desktop from showing at
>> all. (and bugreport it's existance)
> I guess it would be good for me to learn.... Zequence was talking about
> making some wiki page with instructions on how to do it for happy
> dev-n00bs like myself. Let's give it a week and see... :) Thanks for
> feeding my knowledge base, Len!

Looks like it is already fixed in Debian (not tested by me) in the
version of ImageMagik in Debian experimental:


So maybe it would be best to submit a bug against us-menu in Launchpad,
and link to the Debian bug? I think then we should then see in the the
us-bugs team when it eventually lands in Ubuntu. And fix it closer to
release if necessary.



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