[ubuntu-studio-devel] [DRAFT] Call for contributors

Kaj Ailomaa zequence at mousike.me
Fri Nov 6 11:02:04 UTC 2015

On Thu, Nov 5, 2015, at 12:23 AM, set wrote:
> Kaj wrote:
> > We need contributors! We could really use your help! Want to help out?
> > We are all volunteers. Check out <link>
> How about?
> Ubuntu Studio needs contribution to live! Want to help US?
> Check out <link> & join the volunteers who make it happen!

I guess "survive" would make more sense than "live". Also, I would
remove US as it may be interpreted as USA. That would make it:

Ubuntu Studio needs contributors in order to survive as a project! Want
to help? Check out <link> and join the volunteers that make it happen!

A bit more eloquent than my version. I might also add something like "we
need people of all skill levels", or something about the areas in which
we need help.

Thanks. I'll revisit this today and make another try at it.
Don't think the exact wording is important though, as long as the
information is clearly understandable by the reader. One should only
need to take one look at it, and understand perfectly what we are

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