[ubuntu-studio-devel] menu layout

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Wed May 20 13:24:34 UTC 2015

On Wed, 20 May 2015, Set Hallstrom wrote:

> Would it be possible to introduce text in the separation? That would
> both reduce mouse navigation and guide the user....

That would be non-standard and therefore not supported in most (any?) DEs. 
I thought of it once before :)

There is however, an "inline" menu layout option. There is also an 
"inline_limit=" option. So a sub menu could be inline if there are only 4 
(for example) items in the menu and become a submenu if there are more. 
The inline submenu can have the menu name at the top of the inlined items.

I think I need to try making up some samples.

Len Ovens

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