[ubuntu-studio-devel] Our Set of Freedesktop Categories

Kaj Ailomaa zequence at mousike.me
Mon Jun 22 20:28:36 UTC 2015

> Another thought in all this. With regard to adding new Freedesktop 
> Categories, There must be some kind of formula (even if unspoken) that 
> says x number of apps use this category and that causes problems so we 
> need a new category so we can split them up. So if we are going to ask
> for 
> new categories, we should have ready numbers to prove the need. It seems 
> to me that with the menu, 24 items maxes out one column. If doing a
> search 
> in unity or gnome session I think it is less (20ish I think), to fill 
> the screen with no scrolling, but we should check to make sure.
> I think these are the numbers that make sense, the menu is the old way
> and 
> the search style being the new way.
> The other number is distros that would have this problem. The number of 
> audio distros is surprisingly high. Even if you only count 4 (and 
> there are more) that is enough to make it reasonable to say this is a 
> common use.
> I think these things are obvious to us all, but when talking to the
> people 
> on the freedesktop list these numbers are useful for those who go "this 
> only affects a very few people." The answer is acually it affects quite a 
> few people.

I think we may still come to change our minds on the usefullness of some
categories, while coming up with a couple of new ones.
Using the standard categories should never be a problem, but we should
not make changes in the code until we are sure about which of the extra
ones we want to use.

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