[ubuntu-studio-devel] Did someone received my email about Yoshimi release?

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Sat Feb 7 01:16:44 UTC 2015

On Sat, 7 Feb 2015, Constantin Teodorescu wrote:

> Hello Ubuntu Studio developers,
> just wanted to announce an important release of Linux audio synthesizer, Yoshimi,
> version 1.3.2 stable, and I just wanted to make a link between the package
> maintainer of Yoshimi on Ubuntu and the main developer, Will Godfrey.
> I hope that isn't too late to include this updated version of Yoshimi in the next
> 15.04 release of Ubuntu Studio.
> Thanks a lot,
> Constantin Teodorescu

It all sounds very good. The path of getting a new version into Studio is 
that, it gets into debian first and then Ubuntu. Once it gets into the 
ubuntu repos, it will automatically be in the next release. We are at 
1.2.4 right now. LTS is 1.1.0, KXStudio does have 1.3.2 in their repo 
(which is ubuntu based)

Debian is also still at 1.2.4 BTW SO I guess that is where we start.

Len Ovens

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