[ubuntu-studio-devel] Proposal: Ubuntustudio 16.04 Wallpaper Contest

Kaj Ailomaa zequence at mousike.me
Thu Dec 10 15:16:11 UTC 2015

On Thu, Dec 10, 2015, at 03:06 PM, C. F. Howlett wrote:
> Greetings All:
> Assuming this is the correct place to post this ...
> I downloaded UbuntuKylin 15.10 wallpapers .deb recently.  This distro 
> first saw the light of day in 2013 and it now has 115 wallpapers!  By 
> comparison, ubuntustudio has ... 14?
> As the primary focus for development is being directed to the LTS 
> releases, I suggest we consider a community wallpaper contest to 
> supplement the official paper(s) to come.  We could invite contributions 
> from all flavors of ubuntu as well as specific applications, e.g. 
> Blender, Gimp and Krita.
> In the past, the ubuntu community has hosted their wallpaper submissions 
> on Flickr.  I believe we might do likewise.
> Is anyone else working on this?  If not would anyone else be interested?

Zak had some plans for this. And, he may even have worked on a solution
for it (I seem to remember something about that - on devianart). But, if
we do not hear from Zak within a few days about this particular topic, I
think it's ok for anyone to work something out, since I don't think that
would mess anything up.

I'll email Zak, and see what he thinks.

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