[ubuntu-studio-devel] pre-seeds

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Thu Dec 3 18:16:26 UTC 2015

I am not sure this change will work right:


2		desktop-core: pre-seeds desktop-common
3		desktop: pre-seeds desktop-common
4		ffmpeg-common: desktop-common
5		audio-core: desktop ffmpeg-common
 	2	desktop-core: desktop-common pre-seeds
 	3	desktop: desktop-common pre-seeds
 	4	pre-seeds: desktop-common
 	5	audio-core: pre-seeds desktop

I think the pre-seeds needs to be first or we will have ffmpeg troubles 
again. Anyway we will see in a few hours. I think desktop-common pulls in 
gstreamer which pulls in libavcodec54... looking at the packages though it 
looks like these to packages live together these days. There are no 
Provides I can see.

Like I said, we will see. If we have conficts with libav* we can switch 

Len Ovens

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