[ubuntu-studio-devel] Ubuntu Studio Workflows revisited

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Sun Aug 23 15:00:15 UTC 2015

On Sun, 23 Aug 2015, Kaj Ailomaa wrote:

> publishing belongs there too. Publishing is also related to Office.

> Recently there was an idea of adding something like "writing" into the
> mix. There is no equivalent major category in either Freedesktop
> categories or in Debian sections.
> Writing is not considered multimedia, but it is something creative that
> can be done with digital tools. So, it's a digital artform. We would
> need to define the workflow of writing, and also decide on the name if
> we want to include it.

Writing could also be considered Development, a number of Web creation 
tools end up there.

> We have also touched the area of development earlier in our discussions.
> There are development tools specific for multimedia, and we are already
> supplying some of that. To what extent should development be considered
> an art form? Making web pages is surely in some way always connected to
> some form of design.

What is the difference between creating a web page and creating a 
document? A document creator, (AKA word processor) Is a text document with 
extra tags etc to give form to the document... how is an html document 
different? PD is more of a development thing in most ways.

I think the finished product is the main thing to look at.

Len Ovens

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