[ubuntu-studio-devel] [semi off-topic] Nearly done with fine detail port of modded US circa 2008 theme to Gtk 3.14 w matching Gtk2 version-BUGFIX

lukefromdc at hushmail.com lukefromdc at hushmail.com
Thu Apr 30 20:11:25 UTC 2015

I just found I had a missing menu-border image in the Gtk3 theme,
it still worked but the menu border wasn't there. Use this version
with the image file added-the Gtk3 menus are almost an exact
match for the Gtk2 menus.

On 4/30/2015 at 1:20 AM, lukefromdc at hushmail.com wrote:
>Anyone installing this with the normal GTK2 build of MATE will 
>essentially get
>back the whole interface of UbuntuStudio in 2008-2010, especially 
>if they use one
>of the old wallpapers with it.  This will change only slightly if 
>Ubuntu builds
>MATE with gtk3 in the future, though the murrine engine in GTK2 
>renders the
>widgets a bit sharper than any screenshot copy can ever be.
>I did find that a white selected foreground color did NOT work in 
>GTK3, so I
>used a light blue made by applying a brightness increase to the US 
>Otherwise gtk3 will not change the color of a selected folder in 
>Caja-gtk3 at all, 
>though it will sometime work in Nemo. I don't know how other file 
>would react at all, I do recal having this same issue when I first 
>rebased the
>theme on the "E17" gtk3 theme's code.
>On 4/30/2015 at 1:01 AM, "Kaj Ailomaa" <zequence at mousike.me> wrote:
>>Thanks Luke!
>>I'll check this out in the coming days, and put it up in a package
>>somewhere. Let you know where it is then.
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