[ubuntu-studio-devel] DEs and how they relate to media production use

ttoine ttoine at ttoine.net
Wed May 28 08:42:25 UTC 2014

I do most of my multimedia production with Unity desktop and it is fine...
I don't want to change anymore to another desktop, and I would be for just
letting people choose what they want.

After all, Ubuntu has Unity per default, why not use Unity for Ubuntu
Studio ? Less time on DE customisation, and more time on building good
tuning tools, be sure that application are working well, etc.


Antoine THOMAS
Tél: 0663137906

2014-05-28 7:32 GMT+02:00 Kaj Ailomaa <zequence at mousike.me>:

> Personally, having used Gnome3 ever since it was released, I have no use
> whatsoever for a traditional DE. The main upsides with Gnome3 for me are
> two things: 1.speed 2.simplicity.
> Also, the menu is not central for Ubuntu Studio. It's only needed for
> DEs that have menus, as those menus otherwise get cluttered.
> Our job is to make multimedia production work on Ubuntu, generally - on
> all its flavors. And, really, there aren't that many things we need to
> worry about when it comes to the DE for that to happen. The custom menu
> is nice, again for the DEs that have menus. But, what we still are
> missing is gui tools for tuning the system appropriately.
> --
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