[ubuntu-studio-devel] ubuntu-studio-devel Digest, Vol 83, Issue 7
nickgermaine1024 at gmail.com
nickgermaine1024 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 17 15:43:53 UTC 2014
So I was just wondering:
Ubuntu releases are as follows: Ubuntu (year).(month), so this one is 14.04. If Ubuntu Studio is released in May, shouldn’t it be Ubuntu Studio 14.05?
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Today's Topics:
1. ubuntustudio-meta and seeds update (Kaj Ailomaa)
Message: 1
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 12:31:01 +0100
From: Kaj Ailomaa <zequence at mousike.me>
To: ubuntu studio <ubuntu-studio-devel at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: [ubuntu-studio-devel] ubuntustudio-meta and seeds update
<1394710261.27333.93992073.2AEF4577 at webmail.messagingengine.com>
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We've added some stuff to seeds at times, but haven't yet updated the
meta packages.
So, I've taken advantage of that fact and added some stuff to our audio
and audio-plugins seed files.
So far, I've added only small things. Plugins mostly, as well as all of
the puredata external libraries (which I'm intending to create a
"pd-all" package for, if no one beats me to it, as there are so many of
them, and they are all tiny).
I'm keeping an eye on the multimedia-* packages that have emerged in
Debian, as a part of the debian-multimedia flavor. Their logic for their
packages is a bit different from ours, so we could probably not base
ours entirely on theirs, even if we wanted to. In some cases we could
probably save us some effort by just including a recommend for one of
the multimedia-* packages in our metas. ubuntustudio-audio-plugins has
some additions now that I've picked up from multimedia-plugins
Last chance to make changes to our meta packages. After Beta2 we don't
do any changes (except bug fixes), no matter how late we are (and we're
very late right now).
So, if you have any ideas, share them now.
Here's a list of what is currently included with audio and audio-plugins
(the other metas have not significantly changed). Copied from our seed
# Packages in the Ubuntu Studio Audio workflow
* (a2jmidid)
* (alsa-tools)
* (alsa-tools-gui)
* (ardour3)
* (audacity)
* (cdrdao)
* (csound)
* (ffado-tools)
* (ffado-dbus-server)
* (ffado-mixer-qt4)
* (fluid-soundfont-gm)
* (fluidsynth)
* (gladish)
* (gmidimonitor)
* (guitarix)
* (hydrogen)
* (hydrogen-drumkits)
* (idjc)
* (jack-keyboard)
* (jack-rack)
* (jackd)
* (jamin)
* (lmms)
* (meterbridge)
* (mudita24)
* (musescore)
* (patchage)
* (phasex)
* (pulseaudio-module-jack)
* (puredata)
* (qasconfig)
* (qashctl)
* (qasmixer)
* (qjackctl)
* (qmidiarp)
* (qmidinet)
* (qmidiroute)
* (qsynth)
* (qtractor)
* (rakarrack)
* (rtirq-init)
* (sooperlooper)
* (specimen)
* (vkeybd)
* (whysynth)
* (zita-ajbridge)
* (zynjacku)
* (yoshimi)
# Pure Data libraries (usually a part of pd-extended
# - would be nice to be replaces by a pd-all package in Debian)
* (pd-arraysize)
* (pd-aubio)
* (pd-bassemu)
* (pd-beatpipe)
* (pd-boids)
* (pd-bsaylor)
* (pd-chaos)
* (pd-comport)
* (pd-csound)
* (pd-cxc)
* (pd-cyclone)
* (pd-earplug)
* (pd-ekext)
* (pd-ext13)
* (pd-fftease)
* (pd-flite)
* (pd-freeverb)
* (pd-ggee)
* (pd-hcs)
* (pd-hid)
* (pd-iemambi)
* (pd-iemmatrix)
* (pd-iemnet)
* (pd-jmmmp)
* (pd-libdir)
* (pd-list-abs)
* (pd-lyonpotpourri)
* (pd-mapping)
* (pd-markex)
* (pd-maxlib)
* (pd-mjlib)
* (pd-moonlib)
* (pd-motex)
* (pd-osc)
* (pd-pan)
* (pd-pddp)
* (pd-pdogg)
* (pd-pdp)
* (pd-pdstring)
* (pd-plugin)
* (pd-pmpd)
* (pd-purepd)
* (pd-readanysf)
* (pd-sigpack)
* (pd-smlib)
* (pd-unauthorized)
* (pd-vbap)
* (pd-wiimote)
* (pd-windowing)
* (pd-zexy)
# ubuntustudio "audio-plugins"
* (abgate)
* (aeolus)
* (amb-plugins)
* (autotalent)
* (blepvco)
* (blop)
* (calf-plugins)
* (caps)
* (cmt)
* (csladspa)
# dssi-vst - removed due to i32-libs transition to multiarch libraries
* (eq10q)
* (fil-plugins)
* (fluidsynth-dssi)
* (foo-yc20)
* (ghostess)
* (hexter)
* (invada-studio-plugins-ladspa)
* (invada-studio-plugins-lv2)
* (ir.lv2)
* (jconvolver)
* (lv2fil)
* (lv2vocoder)
* (mcp-plugins)
* (mda-lv2)
* (omins)
* (rev-plugins)
* (rubberband-ladspa)
* (slv2-doc)
* (slv2-jack)
* (swh-lv2)
* (swh-plugins)
* (tap-plugins)
* (vco-plugins)
* (vocproc)
* (wah-plugins)
* (whysynth)
* (xsynth-dssi)
* (zita-at1)
* (zita-lrx)
* (zita-mu1)
* (zita-resampler)
* (zita-rev1)
# misc packages for this workflow
* (dssi-host-jack) # Needed for hexter
* (dssi-utils)
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End of ubuntu-studio-devel Digest, Vol 83, Issue 7
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