[ubuntu-studio-devel] ubuntustudi-bugs at launchpad - new mail list

Ross Gammon rossgammon68 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 25 16:39:01 UTC 2014

Thanks Kai,

The mailing list makes it much easier to sort the bug mails.

I have just now un-subscribed Ubuntu Studio Bugs from several large
packages to reduce the volume of emails on the list. These packages
(e.g. Libreoffice & Pulseaudio) already have more than one team managing
them. This should allow us to focus more on packages important to us but
get less attention from others. If you think we should be subscribed to
more or less packages, then let us know.

As Kai says, even if you aren't a member of the Ubuntu Studio Bugs Team,
you can still help out. If you find yourself with a spare 30 minutes, go
to the following summary page of the bugs we are interested in, click on
a package with lots of bugs (or one you are interested in) and do a
little bug triaging!



On 06/23/2014 11:26 AM, Kaj Ailomaa wrote:
> Thanks to the efforts of Ross Gammon ubuntustudio-bugs team at launchpad
> is now subscribed to a whole lot of bugs. (link:
> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-bugs). 
> I have just created a new mail list for that team, so that sorting mail
> will be easier (separating "ubuntustudio" bugs from "ubuntu" bugs).
> Becoming a member of the team should automatically subscribe you to the
> mail list, if you have such a setting for your launchpad account. If
> not, you need to subscribe manually (but you still need a lp account). 
> All existing members need to subscribe manually.
> If you prefer not to subscribe, you can still rad through the mail list
> at https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-bugs/

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