[ubuntu-studio-devel] Audacity Bug

ttoine ttoine at ttoine.net
Thu Feb 27 10:24:27 UTC 2014

do someone really use ladspa with audacity ?

Antoine THOMAS
Tél: 0663137906

2014-02-27 11:13 GMT+01:00 Kaj Ailomaa <zequence at mousike.me>:

> There seems to be a bug in Audacity, where ladspa support is missing.
> Could be it's fixed in a later release or in Debian.
> If someone has the time, please look into it.
> We need to find the fix, and then patch any packages that are affected
> in stable releases, doing a SRU (stable release update).
> Here's the bug report
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/audacity/+bug/1261654
> --
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