[ubuntu-studio-devel] What should be included by default in Trusty?

lukefromdc at hushmail.com lukefromdc at hushmail.com
Thu Feb 13 19:59:58 UTC 2014

I have no choice but to use H264 because my camera outputs in those files. Not 
being employed, I do not have the option of discarding and replacing cameras.

Therefore, I do not use the stripped version of ffmpeg, and that's not going to
change. We lost the fight to kill the patented codecs outright a long time ago, so
now we must prevent sucessful enforcement of those patents against free software
or we lose interoperability.

As for output codecs, I have had little luck getting all those non computer savvy 
folks I work with in activism to replace Windows XP on their typical older laptops
and desktops, meaning everything I publish must be playable on a WinXP machine.

On 02/13/2014 at 2:55 PM, "Ralf Mardorf" <ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net> wrote:
>On Thu, 2014-02-13 at 14:47 -0500, lukefromdc at hushmail.com wrote:
>> Writers of applications should be discouraged from using 
>patented anything that they 
>> could reasonably have avoided, and doubly discouraged from using 
>> licenses. I agree with distros refusing to distribute software 
>that voluntariliy uses
>> patented algorithms or non-free licenses. After all, the 
>"interoperability" defense seen
>> with codecs does not apply in such cases. 
>> If authors of code get the idea that a restrictive license bars 
>them from every distro's
>> repos and limits them to PPA's, that is a powerful inducement to 
>remove patented 
>> routines and release under a free license.
>> Codec patents, however, we have no choice but to fight, as free 
>codecs too often can't
>> be played by pay operating systems whose users may be the target 
>audience of videos
>> and audio files. Also the owners of codec all remember how the 
>patent FUD over .gif
>> killed the format and nobody wants to be next in line for that.
>Full acknowledgment :), with the restriction :p, that I understand 
>LinuxSampler's illegal GPL restriction and I like it ;D, but I 
>care about all that patented codecs, I don't need them and I have 
>much respect to people who need them. Are codecs heroin?
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