[ubuntu-studio-devel] Ubuntu Studio Development PPA

Kaj Ailomaa zequence at mousike.me
Wed Feb 12 14:35:29 UTC 2014

> ubuntustudio-live is waiting to be built. It's a package that will
> replace ubuntustudio-live-settings. A new addition is a plugin that
> creates a new page in ubiquity, allowing you to select which packages
> you want to install.
> I had some trouble testing it, but anyone who wants to try do (after
> adding this ppa):
> $ sudo apt-get install ubiquity ubuntustudio-default-settings
> ubuntustudio-live
> $ sudo apt-get purge ubuntustudio-live-settings
> $ ubiquity

Seems to be a problem with the build. So, it won't be up for a while.

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