[ubuntu-studio-devel] Ubuntu Studio 13.10 - Default wallpaper proposition RC1

lukefromdc at hushmail.com lukefromdc at hushmail.com
Wed Sep 18 18:06:40 UTC 2013

The part of the image that could most easily be mistaken for the
Golden Dawn modified Swastika is the "S" in "Studio." Most likely
someone would not notice this until it was partially covered by an
open window, then they might be furious.

My advice is to change the font of the large text to remove the 
Golden Dawn similarities, and lose the barcode. The defaut 
wallpaper is what everyone sees when they try out or first install
a distro, it must not be deemed offensive by anyone.

On 09/18/2013 at 2:02 PM, lukefromdc at hushmail.com wrote:
>Any mistaken association with the Golden Dawn would be enough to 
>a LOT of enemies, most of my friends included. I've met people 
>Greece who have fought in street battles against the Golden Dawn
>at considerable risk of personal harm, even death. I have marched 
>against the Golden Dawn myself in a Washington DC solidarity 
>In addition, Ubuntu as a whole has had a prior problem with symbol 
>misinterpretation. The 3 person circle of friends was do doubt 
>drawn up
>without knowledge that the KKK in the United States sometimes uses 
>a circle divided into quarters, with 8 dots representing eyes in 
>the heads of 4
>hooded Klansmen looking down a manhole at someone they have just
>murdered.  I've seen the KKK symbol done with 3 heads instead of 3 
>well, even just as three of their murderous hoods looking down the 
>The Ubuntu symbol is enough different (heads on outside) that 
>serious trouble
>was averted, but it is something I have heard discussed by fellow  
>mostly Ubuntu users themselves but one on FreeBSD. A second and 
>controversy of this type could be extremely destructive, 
>especially if the
>South Africa connection was thus thought to be to the Boer history 
>Interestingly, an early, superseded  Golden Dawn symbol looked not 
>only like a
>swastika, but also like the above-mentioned KKK "circle of 
>murderers." That one
>appeared on their first magazine cover in 1980.
>No part of the Ubuntu ecosystem will benefit from a new use, 
>accidental or
>otherwise, of any symbol or image that can be mistaken as or 
>modified into
>a symbol of the racist far right.
>On 09/18/2013 at 9:09 AM, "Ralf Mardorf" <ralf.mardorf at alice-
>dsl.net> wrote:
>>On Wed, 2013-09-18 at 14:20 +0200, Zak wrote:
>>> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-art/ubuntustudio-
>>I would remove the barcode, it's disgusting, smells like 
>>Take care that the covered letters can't be misinterpreted when 
>>taking a
>>brief look, in this case e.g. with the sign of the "Golden Dawn",
>>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Dawn_(Greece) and other 
>>variations of the swastika.
>>Apart from this I like it.
>>2 Cents,
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