[ubuntu-studio-devel] Default search engine
Mike Holstein
mikeh789 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 14 20:39:08 UTC 2013
On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 4:02 PM, <lukefromdc at hushmail.com> wrote:
> Stuff like the Opera auto-resurrection of Google as default search makes me
> glad I removed Chromium outright from my machines. I'm not going to use
> any version of Flash that is not supported by Firefox or Rekonq, nor any
> website that requires Chrome or IE to get it to work. Flash is on its way
> out
> anyway, even Liveleak is playing with HTML5 (buggy right now) and I have
> never in my life used DRM'ed content like Netflix.
> As a rule I don't use any browser that cannot be set not to run searches
> on typos
> or on partially-typed URLs. I always disable "prefetch," "keyword," etc in
> "about:config"
> in Firefox and shut down prefetch and ads in Rekonq as well. I don't trust
> Google
> not to push a new "online service" in a Chromium update requiring
> reconfiguration
> to deselect.
> On 09/14/2013 at 3:41 PM, "Ralf Mardorf" <ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net>
> wrote:
> >
> >On Sat, 2013-09-14 at 20:12 +0100, lukefromdc at hushmail.com wrote:
> >> That's a great idea! In today's world, for any distro to set
> >Google as a default
> >> search engine places their users in danger. This is because of
> >accidental searches
> >> when such functionality is not explicitly disabled, and Google's
> >NSA connections.
> >
> >Something scary
> >http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2013/09/msg00679.html
> >I experience the same with Opera on Arch Linux, but I at least use
> >it as
> >start page for Firefox, Midori, Opera and Google Chrom. Google
> >chrome
> >just in case I need to watch something that requires flash.
> >
> >FWIW, if a site can't be shown for my country, I'm using the
> >Firefox
> >anonymoX add-on,
> >https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/anonymox/ .
> >
> >I don't trust the add-on regarding to security, if I should need
> >security, I'm using Vidalia (Firefox using TOR),
> >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vidalia_(software) .
> >
> >The NSA IMO isn't such a serious issue for averaged people, but
> >marketing and other things are serous issues.
> >
> >"By the way, if anyone here is in marketing or advertising...kill
> >yourself. Thank you. Just planting seeds, planting seeds is all I'm
> >doing. No joke here, really. Seriously, kill yourself, you have no
> >rationalisation for what you do, you are Satan's little helpers.
> >Kill
> >yourself, kill yourself, kill yourself now. Now, back to the show.
> >Seriously, I know the marketing people: 'There's gonna be a joke
> >comin'
> >up.' There's no fuckin' joke. Suck a tail pipe, hang
> >yourself...borrow a
> >pistol from an NRA buddy, do something...rid the world of your evil
> >fuckin' presence." - Bill Hicks
> >
> >
> >--
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lets try and keep this separated out and clear. moving away from google is
just that, moving away from google. it has nothing to do with the NSA
alleged "spying". the alleged "spying" is on the general internet. i dont
remember reading anything that said google, or the internet were "a safe
place for private communication and data transfer". as a matter of fact, i
remember reading quite the opposite in google terms of service. nothing
about ubuntu, ubuntstudio, or linux prevents any user from using whatever
search provider they choose. i personally wouldn't mind a nag at first
search with factual links and a prompt to choose a preferred search
provider. otherwise, its a search provider that guarantees no security
implicitly or explicitly, weather that is google or any other one.
mikeholstein.info <http://www.mikeholstein.info/>
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