[ubuntu-studio-devel] Ubuntu Studio 13.10 - Default wallpaper proposition RC1

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Sun Sep 8 12:28:54 UTC 2013

On Sun, 2013-09-08 at 13:46 +0200, Kaj Ailomaa wrote:
> I like all of the material.
> Some details that I wouldn't mind trying differently are:
>  * Make the text "STUDIO" just a tiny bit more contrasted.
>  * Add a hint of color to it. Could be any part of the image.
>  Background, CoF, or text. Might make it more alive.
> Otherwise, I think this works quite well for 13.10.

IMO everything is ok, excepted of the fact that I dislike it, when I
click "Extra Audio Production Application" the "Ubuntu Software Center"
is opened, providing games such as "Potato Guy". If there's no way to
open it providing audio production apps, then please open Synaptic
instead of this ugly "Ubuntu Software Center.


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