Ubuntu Studio artwork for next release - wallpapers, and Carbon Theme
lukefromdc at hushmail.com
lukefromdc at hushmail.com
Fri Mar 8 19:06:46 UTC 2013
In the Hardy days most of the Ubuntustudio theme would carry over to XFCE if
you installed it in an existing Ubuntustudio Hardy machine. I did just that in an
Athlon 500MHZ audio and photo editing machine because GNOME was too fat
for it, and almost all of the Ubuntustudio theme, icons, etc worked just fine.
I think it was sometime last Spring I again tested XFCE, again with my themes,
desktop background, etc. Main issue was not being able to get rid of ugly gray ovals
around filenames on the desktop-and the multimonitor mess, screwing up something
that worked fine in every other DE I tested.
This was using my private GTK3 supporting port/fork of the theme with the then current XFCE.
That version supports GTK2 and GTK3, has a few bugs but is fine for my purposes.
The old icon theme had one serious issue: the filesize of some of the high-resolution
icons was much too large, causing large directories full of mp3s to load and scroll very
slowly in file windows of programs like Audacity. I fixed that by rescaling the mp3 icon,
the one I had trouble with, to a lower resolution.
On 03/08/2013 at 10:47 AM, "Kaj Ailomaa" <zequence at mousike.me> wrote:
>On Fri, 08 Mar 2013 16:32:40 +0100, ttoine <ttoine at ttoine.net>
>> I was speaking about menus, windows borders, etc.
>Ah, no. I've only been working on the background, logo and icon.
>I think the current theme is quite ok, and functional, which is
>important of all, so I'm personally not in any hurry to change it.
>I guess the only criticism I could think of against our current
>XFCE theme
>is the fact that it's not our own theme, which in the gnome days
>was a
>nice tradition to have. So, I would definitely want to look at
>one, just for Ubuntu Studio.
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