ubuntustudio-installer icon

Shubham Mishra mishrashubham2007 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 27 22:05:48 UTC 2013

On 07/27/2013 08:46 AM, Len Ovens wrote:
> Mish or anyone else:
> I need an icon for our installer. This will be used in the menu for any of
> our extra software installer items as well as for our ubuntustudio meta
> installer. (both use the same software now)
> I am going to do the initial release using our logo or one of the generic
> installer icons.
> Most of the generic installer icons are just a think down arrow. (see the
> icons for Ubuntu Software Center or Synaptic to see what I mean) I was
> thinking that putting such an arrow on top of our logo might work. Or if
> the space inside the arrow had the logo colours inverse. The arrow could
> be bigger too.... or something completely new.
> My hope is that this would be a persons first install if they are
> installing some of our metas in another flavour as it takes all the
> guesswork out of which metas are up to date and it makes sense to install.
I'm sorry but I'm moving this tuesday. Lot's of preparations going on 
right now, and I don't know how long it'll take for me to get an 
internet connection over there.

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