New icons Screen shot

Shubham Mishra mishrashubham2007 at
Sat Jul 6 21:22:46 UTC 2013

On 07/06/2013 10:57 PM, lukefromdc at wrote:
> If a really large number of icons use monochrome themes, distinguishing
> them could get difficult in small sizes. For the Studio menu section icons
> this is a plus, as it can distinguish them from all the other icons in the menu.
> For every icon in all the menus might be another matter, however. When some is
> good, more is not always better.
> On 07/06/2013 at 12:41 PM, "Len Ovens" <len at> wrote:
>> BTW if there is a better icon theme to inherit than elementary-
>> xfce-dark,
>> then that might be another thing we should run past the leads. The
>> icons
>> that lubuntu uses for example are already pretty monochrome. Some
>> apps
>> (most) are always going to have colour though, but having
>> monochrome
>> submenu icons might help make them stand out... I'm not sure, art
>> and
>> visual things are not my strong point.
>> --
>> Len Ovens

Here are two screenshots with the new icons used with a flat monochrome 
icon theme called "Any Colour You Like", which I've used before and 
really liked on a dark GTK theme called "Buonanotte", and also on a 
light theme called "Clearlooks" for reference.

(NOTE: The menu panel icon is broken, I couldn't figure out how to fix it)

Looks nice to me, since everything has that monochrome look (most of the 
common apps are covered as well). I don't have confusion regarding the 
UBS specific menus because of the separators, but then other DEs might 
display it differently. Opinions?

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