[ubuntu-studio-devel] Help needed.

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Fri Aug 16 20:27:27 UTC 2013

On Tue, Aug 6, 2013, at 10:56 PM, Jimmy Sjölund wrote:

> Wouldn't the "safest" way be to set up a table on a wikipage and we could
> pick and mark the packages one starts working on?  I haven't set up any
> wikipage on the ubuntu side yet but have created similar tables and
> reports
> on other wiki sites and I suppose it shouldn't be that hard (I might
> regret
> that later when actually looking into it though). I could take a look
> tomorrow and create a page unless you think it's a bad idea?

The proper way would be for someone to file a bug against all current
packages with these problems. That way when you go to the branch in
https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev with a package there will be
a link to the bug. set yourself as assigned if no one else is and go. If
someone is already assigned, they are working on it. When you do the
changelog add (lp #bugnumber) to the line and deb commit it. This will add
fixes bug * to your change which will auto clear the bug on release.

Len Ovens

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