xfce-cpufreq plugin and upgrades

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Sat Oct 27 19:23:44 UTC 2012

> On Tue, October 23, 2012 6:04 am, kaj.ailomaa at mousike.me wrote:

>> But, I think we should talk more about what we are expecting from an
>> upgrade. Since user files are not changed (and what else?), I don't know
>> if we can expect an upgrade to be similar or the same as a fresh
>> installation.
>> I haven't looked at how Ubuntu views upgrades. Would probably be good to
>> decide what an upgrade cannot do for us, and from there, what we would
>> like it to do for Ubuntu Studio.

I have been thinking about the upgrade stuff some more. In the long run,
Ubuntu Studio wants to offer the ability to pick and choose what workflows
are installed. I think it makes sense to view any choice in upgrades from
that POV. That is, assuming 12.04 had been the way we wanted it to be,
then the user would only install the parts they wanted and forcing two of
those workflows on the user unasked would not be "the right thing to do".

I would therefore suggest, that these metas instead be added to the
extra-software menu selections not just in these two cases but in all
workflow cases. so that when we finally get the installer to just install
what the user wants, things will "just work". Software-center can be used
to either install or remove these metas... Though it seems that has no
effect on the applications the meta points to when the metas is added as
part of the original install and then the meta removed. Choosing metas at
install time may fix this.

So, to try and make things clear, My suggestion is to not add any metas to
the Desktop meta as an SRU for 12.10 or for 13.04 and on. I would add the
metas to the extra-software menu items. I am not sure that we need to SRU
this to 12.10 though, documentation in the release notes should be enough
as upgrading with the upgrader is not a recommended route... just
something that comes with the ubuntu core stuff. I don't think there is
anyway to make it go away even if we wanted it to. It seems to be part of
the software updater. So people will try updating no matter what we do.
Would it be possible to add an update script as part of preinst in
-settings? Something that popped up a dialog that warned updating is not
the greatest idea...

Len Ovens

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