Plymouth text version

Len Ovens len at
Thu Nov 15 23:07:56 UTC 2012

On Thu, November 15, 2012 6:48 am, Scott Lavender wrote:

>> The general response seems to be it should be the same (way) as vanilla.
>> Vanilla has the graphic theme with no version and the text theme with
>> version.
>> We will do the same for now.

> for the record, i would prefer not to make the plymouth theme start
> earlier. i think we have other things to work with higher priority.

That would be my guess/thoughts too. Same as vanilla.
> if we feel that versioning IS important, i would suggest putting it in the
> lightdm background. this has a lower threshold for effecting and
> maintenance IMO.

So you would like to leave both themes version-less, with the version
being added to lightdm. Certainly lightdm is the one place the user is
expected to actually look at the screen. I would think there are a number
of people who start their computer and walk away or pay attention to other
things while it boots. At the lightdm screen they have to be there to log
in.... Unless they have set autologin.

Perhaps we should add the version to the main menu. Right now we have an
item called "Ubuntu Studio Information", maybe we should call it "Ubuntu
Studio 13.04 Information". While this would require maintenance, it should
be obvious to anyone testing a release that this needs to be changed. This
is also a plus for putting a version in lightdm and a minus for putting it
in plymouth as in plymouth anyone tester will only see one or the other
theme and which ever they don't see... an old version number would not be

Len Ovens

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