Another idea for comments

Len Ovens len at
Mon Jul 30 05:18:21 UTC 2012

On Sun, July 29, 2012 4:34 pm, Emmet Hikory wrote:

>     I think there was talk about finding ways to *not* double the size,
> rather
> providing both interfaces for the install from the same set of source
> data.
> Although I don't know the details of the implementation, all the
> possibilities
> I can imagine would imply that there would be more means by which greater
> flexibility could be implemented for the Ubuntu Studio install experience.

I think it would be very welcome for UbuntuStudio. To be honest, I think
the current way things are saves us from ourselves as almost all of the
apps in each meta are depends rather than recommends. So if things were
set up so the user could remove a meta, removing any one of the apps would
remove the whole meta too.

So I look forward to it, but also realize it would mean a lot of testing
to make sure things worked the way we intended.

A personal note. I think with the size of disks any more there is less
reason for removing a meta once installed than in the past. Installing
less in the first place still has it's place. uninstalling an app that
causes trouble with other software is different again. A fair number of
people remove pulse rather than learn how to use pulse and jack together

Len Ovens

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