cd/dvd burning tools for video

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at
Thu Feb 23 04:23:49 UTC 2012

On Mon, 2012-02-20 at 22:47 -0800, Len Ovens wrote:
> I don't do any video... it's on my todo list... when I retire in a few
> years and have time. That being said, I am realising that when we chose
> brasero for cd burning, we did so from a strictly audio mastering of CDs
> view. It is the only one that we can get to work right now.
> Is there anyone who does more video work and can test brasero for making
> video cd/dvds. Are there tools that are missing for this work? Can we make
> a VCD? Can we make a video DVD with menus? If so how easy is it to
> customise them? Are there tools that would do the job better?
> I don't know that we can add new apps for the sake of doing so right now,
> but if what we have breaks a workflow we may be able to fix it.

Video authoring (video medias with menus, conversion of codecs) is done
with software like mandvd, resp. 2mandvd. I experienced 2mandvd as PITA.
AFAIK it's a big problem on Linux, OTOH I heard from Windows users
getting simmilar issues, but those Windows users usually don't have
knowledge about codecs, formats, such as letterbox. AFAIK K3b can't be
used for video authoring, but I don't have knowledge about all the
plugins that are available.

- Ralf

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