Vintage Wallpaper Request

Takashi Sakamoto o-takashi at
Wed Feb 8 14:04:55 UTC 2012


 > I've collected all the .debs except 7.04 feisty and 7.10 gutsy.

These packages were out of date and have been in archive repository.

I believe you can find them here.

Takashi Sakamoto
o-takashi at

(2012年02月04日 05:20), Seattle Chaz wrote:
> Greetings:
> I'm working up some wallpapers based on past issues.  I've collected all
> the .debs except 7.04 feisty and 7.10 gutsy.
> Specifically, I'm looking for ubuntustudio-wallpapers_0xx.all.deb where
> "x" is an unknown digit.
> Thanks in advance for your assistance in locating these.

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