ubuntustudio icons

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Sun Dec 16 03:08:49 UTC 2012

Those icons are good.

Btw. ...

I noticed that westernization for international pictograms is common.

To understand pictograms as your FX and synth pictograms in passing,
there where rules in the past, that take care of before/after,
input/output etc.. From left to right for Western and from right to left
for Eastern cultures.

If it doesn't matter, because there is no before/after, e.g. for the
mic/recording pictogram and something thin should fill a larger room,
dynamic is produced by a bound upward illustration. "Bound upward" also
is a symbol for something positive, "downward" is a symbol for something

So for me, the microphone from the lower left-hand corner to the upper
right-hand corner is a positive invitation. For an Arabian in the past
it was understandable, but had not this positive subtext, with the
computer age this seemingly changed.

For logos there was another rule, for Western cultures logos usually
were in the upper left-hand and in the lower right-hand corner, since
it's the first and last we usually will take care about.

Some days ago I was looking for oriental ornaments, so I searched for
Moslem Linux distributions. The Icons were the Western icons we all know
and there where no artworks with good Oriental ornaments, only the fonts
were Arabic and there were apps, that e.g. show the cardinal direction
to god. Perhaps even the folks from al-Qaeda are drinking Coca~Cola and
they are waiting for Ubuntu 13.x to get better shopping applications.

Coca~Cola's unofficial German name is "Besatzer~Brause" in English it's
"occupying forces~soda"

amalas a`aM

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