OT: Linux Tools for Serious Photographers

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Tue Aug 7 22:08:09 UTC 2012

On Tue, 2012-08-07 at 14:13 -0700, Len Ovens wrote:
> Our RCA studio cameras were a bit bigger, but the peds and controls were
> similar. Control room layout was much the same too.

At that time "bigger" usually caused a better quality. The funny thing
is, that zooming and sharpness was operated directly mechanically for
those oldish Bosch cameras. White balance was done via intercom, between
the camera man and a technician sitting in front of an oscilloscope.

I puzzled over the thingy that was above the monitors of each VTR (looks
like we used 1"). I can't remember, but I suspect it were the SMPTE
interfaces. I remember that it was very loud in this room with all the
VTRs, a patchbay (with real cables) and many fans.

I like old control rooms, more wood than plastic and knobs.

> >> stream in the building) Video streams don't have to be synced and timed
> any more, frame store can fix that.
> >>
> >> Audio was a whole separate chain.
> >
> > No sync for video does work? At home I don't have sync for my RME audio
> card and an ADAT device, when syncing by ADAT only. I still don't have a
> wordclock thingy for my RME card. The ADAT device has got an additional
> wordclock connector.
> >
> > I try to avoid to have un-synced devices when ever possible.
> Video is not like audio. It is not always true, but most often only one
> video source is used at a time except for the relatively short time of
> switching between sources. [snip]

I didn't think about this. You're right. I like your explanation.

> actually it would take a group of amateurs so you would have
> camera men sound people etc.

Blood and thunder. I never heard of such projects that didn't come to a
bad end. I worked as audio and video engineer for such projects, but
they payed me, I wasn't a member of those groups. Btw. they didn't pay
me directly, promotion of culture, broo etc. payed me.


You wrote: "(No I am not a papered engineer :)"

Hahaha, (nearly) nobody gifted is a papered engineer. I know some gifted
engineers who join "Tonmeister VDT" (audio engineer of the association
of German audio engineers). You need two bailsmen to join the club and
than you have to pay each year for being a member. To be fair, all
Tonmeister VDT I know are gifted, I anyway join no clubs, so I rejected
becoming a Tonmeister VDT.
I don't like audio and video engineering as a job anymore. When ever I
can, I try to work for childcare, also without having a paper.

Perhaps we should completely keep it off-list at some point, for the
moment I only add an "OT" to the subject. I like to read such OTs. I
learned by reading yours and I leaned a lot reading experiences of other
engineers, my favorite is Gene, an Virginian audio and video engineer
who was an engineer, before the transistor was invented. IIRC I know him
from LAD.

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