Linux Tools for Serious Photographers

Mike Holstein mikeh789 at
Mon Aug 6 15:25:22 UTC 2012

On Aug 6, 2012 11:10 AM, "Ralf Mardorf" <ralf.mardorf at> wrote:
> On Mon, 2012-08-06 at 07:58 -0700, Len Ovens wrote:
> > [snip]
> I guess we audio and/or graphic folks shouldn't decide what might be
> wanted by photographers, they should recommend applications.
> The only app I'm able to recommend is GIMP ;). GIMP (and Photo Shop) are
> used by photographers too.
> Regards,
> Ralf
> --
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I don't think we need to debate this fact... most *all* professionals in
all fields are using mostly digital tools these days. For me, these are
just that... tools. If someone, not necessarily an artist, but any user
needs something like an effect that can only be truly realized (and "good
enough") for that individual's final product by utilizing an analog tool,
then I think its safe to say that analog tool will and can be used. I know
I prefer analog recording and the results the tools produce, however, when
making my own art, I just use the computer because for what I'm doing,
these days, the digital tools are "good enough"... and by good enough, I
mean, acceptable to the point that maintaining and using the analog gear
(even just purchasing tape) is not worth the trade off for me. The computer
is arguably easier to maintain, and hard disk space is easier to maintain,
and re-use... I do not think the computer is a direct replacment, but, all
things considered, its "good enough" for other projects I'm hired to
record, mix, produce, or play on, as well as my own art... and I think this
is what most other visual artists are thinking as well, and I see this with
the few photographers I know... they do almost exclusively digital for all
projects, for their professional "work" and/or their personal art... I
would check a photographers forum and ask the pro's first hand...
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