PulseAudio -> JACK connection in Oneiric

Filipe Lopes falktx at gmail.com
Wed Sep 28 21:40:44 UTC 2011

Hey there, I'm the leader of the KXStudio Team.

KXStudio uses 'pulse-jack' (or 'pulse2jack' in the upcoming Cadence app),
that force kills pulseaudio and restarts it in JACK only mode.
afaik, this is not what UbuntuStudio wants/needs. My way of doing things
makes the assumption that JACK is *always* running, or you won't get any
sound at all. The "just works" factor are just some python scripts that
auto-start JACK at session login.

KXStudio also uses Cadence, a small (unfinished) app that manages the whole
audio system. The application is not finished (no even in alpha state),
although I have it auto-installed in KXStudio setups.
I would _love_ to see this integrated in UbuntuStudio, and I'm really
working hard towards it, but of course it's not gonna happen this cycle.
(Perhaps this give us a chance of creating a super great release for the

Some pics follow:

Anyway, the pulse-jack thing is in here:

Use it as you wish, this is just a script ;)
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