Dual screens

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Sat Nov 26 21:12:37 UTC 2011

On Sat, November 26, 2011 11:53 am, Mike Holstein wrote:
> would you guys try arandr and report?

Arandr works. It is less intuitive than grandr and not laid out as nice.
On the up side, it does allow making startup scripts so that it is easier
to carry a setup from session to session or to flip between two favourite
setups. Arandr also allows leaving a space between the displays or if one
is smaller than the other, deciding if the small display should be close
to the top or bottom of the other display.

Both grandr and arandr are GUIs for xrandr. So they do not allow any more
stuff than can be done directly with xrandr... in fact less. Including
either one would be better than what we have now. I think to get two
display numbers would mean modifying X config and restarting it or getting
it to reread it's config.

There are two kinds of use for double (or more) screens:

 a) Desktop, permanent setup. this one should boot to the same setup each
time. Two X screens may not really be needed.

 b) laptop/portable... a temporary setup. Booted with a single or double
display... and if booted single, may have a second one plugged in after
session login. Two x screens that always end up on two different
workspaces would be really nice... I think ;-)

Len Ovens

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