
Ralf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Sat May 21 23:38:36 UTC 2011

On Sat, 2011-05-21 at 16:42 -0400, Mike Holstein wrote:

> i had imagined us asking about the fiesability of adding something to
> ubuntustudio controls that would check for CPU scaling and offer to
> change it for US. that should be easy-ish, and doesnt require pulling
> anything in. agreed?

Full ACK!

Regarding to the chroot, separated lib64 and lib32 IMO would be better.
I tried both on Ubuntu installs and the chroot always was a little bit
incomplete. On 64bit Suse this separation between 32bit and 64bit does
work very well, on Ubuntu it didn't work very good here and btw. I've
forgotten the command that can handle those 32bit libs on Debian based

At the moment I'm running a 32bit install and I'm not sure if there is a
difference to the 64bit installs I most of the times used, excepted of
less trouble.

Hm? Do you need to build Ubuntu Studio packages for each version of

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