Ubuntu 11.04 Display problem

Erik Rasmussen MailForErik at GMail.com
Wed Jul 27 13:41:17 UTC 2011

I have experienced the same thing and would love to hear a good solution.

For me, it seems that it does not happen every time nor continuously.  What
I do as a work-around is to install the
then launch the CompizFusionIcon which causes it to sit in the system try
(near the clock area).  Then I click it and get a menu which allows me to *
Reload* the window manager.  This seems to 'refresh' the display and for me,
and the problem usually goes away for the rest of my session.  If it comes
back, I just use the RELOAD option again.  If it happens too many times
during a particular session, I'll sometimes change the Windows Manager from
Compiz to Metacity and that usually makes it more tolerable.  But since
Metacity does not seems to support all the eye-candy that Compiz supports,
I'll usually switch the Window Manager back to Compiz the next time I logon.

This is not really a solution, just a work-around.  *I'd love to hear from
someone else who knows of a 'real' solution.*

[image: CompizFusionIcon?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=fusionicon.png]

On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 10:28, Suresh M <sureshsitcs at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am facing too much dispaly problem in ubuntu 11.04.
> please see the attached image.
> Some times all the screen will become black and once move the cursor on the
> folders the folders will be visible.
> And on the terminal while typing command, some letters will not be visible.
> Please help me out how to solve this problem.
> Do i need to install any package for this problem ?
> Thanks and Regards
>  Suresh
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