Ubuntu Studio Advertisement

Jorge G. Mare jorge.g.mare at gmail.com
Wed Apr 13 04:22:41 UTC 2011


On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 4:59 PM, Scott Lavender
<scottalavender at gmail.com> wrote:
> I *think* Cory is suggesting that we schedule to roll the website out in
> time for 11.10.

I am quite confident that I can have the Drupal 6 website and theme
ready in a month or two. Personally, I would prefer to deploy the
Drupal 6 version with the new theme and the basic content first, and
then add features & content gradually as time permits. This way you
can expect to have a pretty decent site by 11.10 release time frame.

> I had originally hoped to draw some attention to Ubuntu Studio and solicit
> some graphical design work flows from professional graphic artists who use
> open source tools with the advertisement.  If we have a definitive,
> exciting, and revolutionary plan for the 11.10 release (XFCE, new UI, etc)
> we might want to see if we can "hold" the ad to coincide with 11.10 and
> create some excitement.

Question: is US released at the same time as Ubuntu core?


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