Ubuntu Studio Advertisement

Scott Lavender scottalavender at gmail.com
Mon Apr 11 23:51:55 UTC 2011

Hello All,

Recently, I have been having some talks with the editors of Libre Graphics
Magazine [1] about helping Ubuntu Studio developing a more comprehensive and
documented graphical applications set.  A side result was that we were
generously offered a full-page (A4) advertisement for Ubuntu Studio :)

I would expect that Mr. MacInnis would be involved in this, but is anyone
interested in helping develop an ad?

We will need to develop a concept for the ad and also create the graphics
for it.  I don't know any requirements from the Libre Graphics folks at this
time, I am aware that they work with .svg files so I would expect Inkscape
to be a perfectly acceptable medium to create the artwork.


[1] http://libregraphicsmag.com/
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